Wednesday, December 14, 2005

Maye's case.

Well, If this isn't the most messed up cse I have every heard of. It seems to me that Jury barely looked at the case because when asked later one said they felt intimidated by the attorney and they felt Maye had been spoiled. Where are the facts about the actual case? What about the fact that it was midnight and the fact that, what with the door being kicked in that Maye would very well be scared not only for his own life but of his little girls as well? As far as I can tell this is injustice at its ultimate. This also is a case of clear discrimination. The fact that the police chief and son were white and Maye is black and the Jury was mostly white would almost have to come in to play! I think the thing that makes me outraged is the fact that the jury seemed to not even look at the facts. This is a man’s life we are talking about here. The things the jury said swayed the case were inconsequential. Something is very wrong with this case and I hope that something is done before this sentence is carried out.


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